
Desire 3 Contains Egg

Rs. 400

“Talk less and feel the Desire”

When an artist sits to paint, little does he know that he will make a masterpiece; when a potter moulds the clay he is wishing for a beautiful urn; and when a baker churns the batter, he nearly falls in love with his cake. And that is precisely what happened to creative patissiers at Ovenfresh when Desire III happened to them.

Love knew no bounds when the chefs at Ovenfresh decided to whip up a glorious and celebrated cake that was never created before. They say, love is blind and when chef gave birth to a cake with six different textures and 36 ingredients, he certainly proved it right.

Just like the meticulous virtues of understanding, romance and compatibility are needed to keep a relationship alive; the chef’s love story with Desire III demanded both time and attention.

His dedication was evident in the pre planning that was equivalent to that of constructing a building. The intricate planning process ran longer than the actual time taken to make it.

After trying six different recipes and trivial combinations, back and forth on the right pairings it was time for celebration. Taking cue from French Patisserie heritage, chefs at Ovenfresh danced in merriment when the Desire III finally saw the light of the day just in the first attempt. It wasthe first ever magnanimous creation that rightfully earned its reputation as Ovenfresh’s signature cake.

And there is no reason why this three-in-one dessert does not deserve the golden mantle. The combination of six unique textures and tastes also has a spectrum of appearances. Crunchy, gooey and soft, Desire III embodies the best of the baking world. A rich almond dacoise base beautifully holds the delicately prepared chocolate shoe pastry. And the elaborateness just does not end there. The crunchy elements are then finished with three different mousse varieties coated with a deep red cover.

Even the look of the cake found its inspiration in the classy architecture s of history. The neoclassical appearance combines the old and new while the clean and smooth top gives it a contemporary touch. The rustic and archaic architecture of ancient empires stimulated the design of the base.

The complex flavours of the cake are so extravagant that recreating it is almost impossible. Recipes can be duplicated for once, but love for food is unique and not all can show the same.

This masterpiece is an inspiration and not an object of recreation. The only way to express your love and emotions for this cake is by commitiing to a relationship with Desire III.

Several encounters and a gradual understanding are necessary to feel the Desire to its fullest potential. True to its name, this is certainly an object of Desire for every passionate cake lover.

The passionate love affair between the patissiere and Desire is a romantic fantasy one can only dream of. And the best way to live this sinful and divine experience would be do delve into its heavenly goodness one bite at a time.

A small message looks very elegant with this cake.

Price Includes All govt taxes (vat, Service tax and central excise)


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Rs. 400

Note: We do not provide carry bags

Customer Feedback


its awsome

August 14 2015


its awsome

August 14 2015

(1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest)